• Using ColumnSets [Janus GridEX WinForms Control v3.5 for .NET]

    This tutorial is intended to show you how to use column sets to have more that one line of columns to present a record.

    1 - Create a new Visual Basic or C# project using "Windows Application" Template

    2 - Add a GridEX control to Form1.

    3 - Add Employees table from JSNorthwind database as a Data Source for the application. After adding the table, build the application to be able to see EmployeesTableAdapter and JSNorthwindDataSet components in the tool box.

    4 - From the "Data Sources" window in the Application, drag Employees table and drop it into the new GridEX control. JSNorthwindDataSet, EmployeesTableAdapter and EmployeesBindingSource components will be created.

    5 - In the Designer window of the GridEX control click on the "Retrieve Structure" button to let GridEX control create the root table and the columns matching those found in the data source.

    6 - Select the ColumnSets node under the RootTable node in the designer. Once you have selected the ColumnSets collection, click in the "ColumnSet Designer.." button that appears at the right of the designer.

    9 - The first thing you need to do when designing a column set layout is to define how many lines of columns a record will have. To do this, set the ColumnSetRowCount property in the table. In this tutorial, the ColumnSetRowCount property was set to 3.

    10 - In the ColumnSets Designer, add a ColumnSet clicking in the "Add ColumnSet" button. Once you click in the button an empty column set will appear in the "ColumnSet Layout" panel. In the ColumnSet, set the number of columns you want to have in it.

    11 - From the list of columns in the left side of the designer, drag any column and drop it into the one of the empty slots of the ColumnSet. If you want a column to span 2 or more columns, set the ColSpan property of the column. If you want to a column to span 2 or more rows, set the RowSpan property of the column. ColSpan and RowSpan properties can be set only when a column has been added to a ColumnSet.

    12 - Keep creating ColumnSets and filling them with columns by dragging a column from the list and dropping it into a columnset cell until you have defined the ColumnSet layout you want.

    Source Of Information : Janus v3.5 Help Files for VS 2008


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