• The three Vs of data storage

    To determine whether you need a partitioning strategy and what it should be, consider three questions about your data:

    • Volume How much data will you ultimately store? A couple gigabytes? A couple hundred gigabytes? Terabytes? Petabytes?

    • Velocity What is the rate at which your data will grow? Is it an internal app that isn’t generating a lot of data? An external app to which customers will be uploading images and videos?

    • Variety What type of data will you store? Relational, images, key-value pairs, social graphs?

    If you think you’re going to have a lot of volume, velocity, or variety, you have to carefully consider what kind of partitioning scheme will best enable your app to scale efficiently and effectively as it grows, and to ensure that you don’t run into any bottlenecks.

    There are basically three approaches to partitioning:
    • Vertical partitioning
    • Horizontal partitioning
    • Hybrid partitioning

    Source of Information : Building Cloud Apps With Microsoft Azure


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